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Some of our content not yet on YouTube is available on our Vimeo channel #churchofgod or below on our site in order from most recent to oldest.
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Many people think love is a feeling and they are despondent when the “feeling” is no longer there. The scriptures make it plain that love is not merely a feeling, but as Eric Fromm said, Love is an art, or there is an “Art of Loving” something that requires knowledge, practice and patience to achieve mastery. So how do we master the love that God says is essential to knowing Him and living in harmony with others?
Halloween speaks to our fears and the perverse desire of some people to focus on death, the macabre, or their worst horrors. The bible, on the other hand, gives us a balanced perspective teaching us the things we should fear and the things we should not fear. Jeff Patton helps us to consider the scriptural way of banishing fear and enhancing our spiritual growth.
‘You must love the LORDÂ your with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’
Luke 10:27
Our head and heart, what we think and feel are both important to God, for we are to love Him with all of our heart and mind. But how do we do this? How do we serve God with our mind and emotions? The scriptures offer a lot of advice on this topic that is vital to our spiritual happiness and success. Are you willing to hear and apply the advice God has provided for your mental and emotional well-being?
Christ said he came to “fulfill” the law and the prophets. What did he mean? Jeff takes you on a journey through the book of Matthew to gain new insights into the many ways in which Christ “fulfilled” God’s purpose as recounted by one of the gospel writers. We can understand what Christ meant by “fulfilling” and this has great significance in determining how we are to walk with our God. Are we also to “fulfill the law?”
What satisfies us, fulfills our hearts desires, and gives us pleasure? Did you know that God wants us to feel fulfillment in our lives and He gives us the advice and guidance we need to make our dreams come true! Let Jeff Patton lead you on a search through the scriptures to understand how to experience success and personal fulfillment.
In considering the state of the US government and the recent shut-down, one wonders about the sound-mindedness of those leading America. Perusing the news, one sees ample evidence that many individuals are in deep trouble due to a lack of sound judgment. The bible encourages us and offers advice and examples relating to the gift of the spirit of God – a sound mind that transforms us!