COG Webcast

November 2nd, 2013

Think and Grow Godly

2 Comments, Filed in Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.

Think and Grow Godly

Think and Grow Godly

What we think has a powerful impact on our success and happiness in life. While secular gurus might entice you to “think and grow rich” the scriptures encourage us to “think and grow godly” Jeff Patton examines the advice of Paul in writing to the Philippians to help us understand the things we need to be thinking about in our walk with God, so that we might emulate our Father and have spiritual success.

October 26th, 2013

Matthew: Fulfill the law

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fulfill torah scrollChrist said he came to “fulfill” the law and the prophets. What did he mean? Jeff takes you on a journey through the book of Matthew to gain new insights into the many ways in which Christ “fulfilled” God’s purpose as recounted by one of the gospel writers. We can understand what Christ meant by “fulfilling” and this has great significance in determining how we are to walk with our God. Are we also to “fulfill the law?”

October 14th, 2013

Success: Finding Personal Fulfillment

1 Comment, Filed in Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.

Sun - successWhat satisfies us, fulfills our hearts desires, and gives us pleasure? Did you know that God wants us to feel fulfillment in our lives and He gives us the advice and guidance we need to make our dreams come true! Let Jeff Patton lead you on a search through the scriptures to understand how to experience success and personal fulfillment.

October 14th, 2013

A Sound Mind

1 Comment, Filed in Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.

butterfly transforms smIn considering the state of the US government and the recent shut-down, one wonders about the sound-mindedness of those leading America. Perusing the news, one sees ample evidence that many individuals are in deep trouble due to a lack of sound judgment. The bible encourages us and offers advice and examples relating to the gift of the spirit of God – a sound mind that transforms us!

October 5th, 2013

Inhabiting Eternity FOT 2013 Jeremiah Patton

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footprints in sand smWhen there was “no king in Israel” they did not have a human king to lead them in battle, but they did have a King! Yet they forgot their King, and lied about God who had made them, delivered them, and gave them their rights. They denied God by breaking his laws and abusing his people, especially the widows and orphans while giving lip-service to worshipping God. Jeremiah Patton makes it plain that, our eternity depends on recognizing our King and acknowledging the leadership and authority in our lives of the one who inhabits eternity. Inhabiting eternity depends on our embracing God’s values and exercising God’s wisdom.

October 1st, 2013

The Way Back – FOT 2013 Jeff Patton

Comments Off on The Way Back – FOT 2013 Jeff Patton, Filed in Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.

View the video on Minds:

useful kindness

Leading the way back

The Feast pictures the millennial reign of Christ and His saints as kingly priests. But at the onset there will be millions of people who have been traumatized by horrific global catastrophes. What quality of character will be of great importance to God in selecting his servants who will be responsible for helping these hurting people find the way back to God?

October 1st, 2013

Love and Law – FOT 2013 Eric Leader

Comments Off on Love and Law – FOT 2013 Eric Leader, Filed in Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.

love and law

love and law

There will come a time when we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. How will we have confidence in that day? John assures us, “We know that we know Him if we keep His commandments,” because through them the love of God is perfected. What is that second great commandment that connects God’s love and law and leads to our being perfected through Christ in us?