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Some of our content not yet on YouTube is available on our Vimeo channel #churchofgod or below on our site in order from most recent to oldest.
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The people of God, the Israelites, walked through the sea on dry ground on the last day of unleavened bread. Our ancestors in the faith were led by Christ, in a pillar of cloud and fire, as they left Egypt and entered the wilderness. The Lord sheltered and protected them in their desert wanderings. But did they follow? And what are some crucial lessons that the experiences of the Israelites teach us in our walk with Christ? Christ leads, but will we follow fully?
God hears the prayers of those who worship Him in truth. So do we know what true worship is? Let’s learn a lesson from the days of Unleavened Bread and the conquest of Jericho that shows us who God will hear and who God will not hear. Rahab and Achan’s stories provide object lessons for our day. The scriptures tell us in clear terms what God expects of those who worship Him, serving God and others. Does God take notice of you and does he hear your prayers?
The Vatican is presently courting the Pentecostal churches to rejoin the “fold” of the Catholic church. Is this ecumenical model something the Church of God should embrace? As a group or individuals should we relinquish our biblical understanding of Passover, in favour of Easter? Or, do we have strong historic and biblical precedents that tell a cautionary tale, and warn us to avoid those who forsake the scriptural understanding and embrace concepts steeped in church tradition. What were those truths for which the apostle John and his followers were willing to sacrifice their lives? Who has the real authority to determine how and when we worship God? Why Passover not Easter!
If we are not “Holy” we will not “see the LORD!” Being holy is an important message from God, during the days of unleavened bread – to be holy as God is holy. Sin defiles individuals and nations, but the priests of God, those who teach and encourage God’s people must value His standard of holiness, and be holy, showing respect for His name. What are those standards that God has established for His priests, those who serve Him? These lessons are vital understandings for those who are called into a New Covenant relationship with God the Father and who are destined to be a nation of priests.
The Sabbath before the spring festival season, Passover and Unleavened Bread, is a “Great” Sabbath. Traditionally, the scriptures read at this time of year included the book of Malachi. What important messages did God give to the priests through Malachi, that have great value for Christians today? Who are God’s priests in training today and what does He expect of those who serve Him?
“Dokimazo” – Do you know what this means? As we prepare to rededicate ourselves to God’s service at the Passover, are we considering whether our worship of God is genuine. Have we examined ourselves so that we are proved to be real and authentic. God wants to know where our heart is, and whether we will obey Him. Are we prepared for Passover, and ready to take the symbols of this most meaningful ritual in a worthy manner.
In ancient religions sacrifices were often made with the idea of “buying off the gods” and this has translated into a more modern notion that offering a sacrifice, somehow, makes it “right to do wrong.” But is that the scriptural reality, or are there some profound insights that Christians can discern from the lessons of Sacrifice and Passover? And does sacrifice really atone for intentional sins? The bible provides the answers.