COG Webcast

August 17th, 2015

Covenants Old and New: Similarities

1 Comment, Filed in Videos, by CGP.

covenant similarities
There is a lot of misunderstanding about the nature of the covenants and as a result many people have concluded that the “old” was replaced or superseded by the “new” But is this the truth?

In what ways are the “old” covenant, made with Israel, and the “new” covenant, similar. The bible shows us all the elements that both covenants share in common, and how they are both connected, the one with the other.



View the Video on MINDS



Would it surprise you to know that:

The covenant was not a contract
The “Old” covenant was not “done away”
Christ did not abolish the law, the covenant
The covenant was not a “marriage”
The covenant is everlasting



Learn More about God’s Covenants:

August 15th, 2015

A Surprising Future for the Old Covenant

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future for old covenant
A surprising future for the old covenant: God’s covenant with the nation of Israel is still in effect. How do we know this to be true? What has been the effect of the covenant in the past, when Israel failed to meet its obligations? How was the covenant renewed during the time of the Kings of Israel? What is in store for Israel and her covenant partner in the future? Let the scriptures give you the answers to these and other compelling questions about God and his covenant with Israel.



View the Video on MINDS


Would it surprise you to know that:

The covenant was not a contract
The “Old” covenant was not “done away”
Christ did not abolish the law, the covenant
The covenant was not a “marriage”
The covenant is everlasting




Learn More about God’s Covenants:

August 5th, 2015

Defining the Old Covenant: the National covenant

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gods covenant ark

There are many misconceptions about Israel’s covenant with God.

What did it entail?
Who were the parties to the covenant and what was the purpose of the covenant?
Were there conditions and consequences inherent in the covenant?
What were the benefits and what did the covenant envision for the future?

Jeff Patton answers all of these questions from the scriptures, defining the old covenant, so you can understand God’s vision for Israel.




View on Minds




Would it surprise you to know that:

The covenant was not a contract
The “Old” covenant was not “done away”
Christ did not abolish the law, the covenant
The covenant was not a “marriage”
The covenant is everlasting




Learn More about God’s Covenants:

August 4th, 2015

The Better Promises of the New Covenant

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A new covenantOld? Outdated? Obsolete? Have you been told a lie about scripture? The writer of the book of Hebrews tells us that long after Christ’s death and resurrection, the first covenant was growing old and was in the process of vanishing, yet it was still in effect. However, Christ came to offer a new, or refreshed covenant, and though it did not replace the old it did have better promises! What were the better promises of the new covenant that were offered to those who would participate in this covenant that was mediated by Christ and created a family relationship with God the Father?

July 20th, 2015

Is the Old Covenant Obsolete?

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old covenant obsolete
Is the old covenant obsolete, the covenant God made with the nation of Israel? Many people think obsolete means that the old covenant was “done away,” was “abrogated,” and is of no effect now. But is this true?
What is the writer of Hebrews really saying when he uses the words, that we translate “obsolete” and “passing away?”
It may surprise you to know the truth of the matter.



View the Video on MINDS


Would it surprise you to know that:

The covenant was not a contract
The “Old” covenant was not “done away”
Christ did not abolish the law, the covenant
The covenant was not a “marriage”
The covenant is everlasting




Learn More about God’s Covenants:

July 18th, 2015

God of Truth

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God of truth
From the Song of Moses to the book of Revelation, the scriptures testify to God’s nature for above all else he is the God of truth. We worship God because he is true — firm, steadfast, stable. Truth is the reality; from the marvellous miniature design of our DNA to the vast expanses of the universe our God created and controls everything that is real. So do you have the hope and confidence that comes from a love of the truth and the God whose nature is true?


View more videos and articles to learn about God and his teachings from the ‘sola scriptura’ perspective.
It is God’s spirit that leads us into all truth as we read his word.

July 13th, 2015

God of Mercy: Remember All His Benefits

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Remember His benefits
God of Mercy: Remember All His Benefits

While Canada and the US celebrate their national holidays, it would seem many have forgotten the source of their blessings. They are the “nones,” atheists, agnostics, and those with “no particular religion” who see no role for a God of mercy in their lives. On the other hand, David, the psalmist, reminds us  to, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not his benefits.” So what are those benefits, and how does God extend his mercy to all those who worship and serve Him?
