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The religious leaders of Judea wanted to know by whose authority Jesus taught the people. They were incensed and demanded, “Who gave you the right to do these things?” As guardians and rulers of the Temple they felt their authority being challenged by this upstart, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus had not gone to their schools, nor studied with their chief teachers. Neither had he received their “key” — a symbolic gesture conferring on him the right to interpret scripture. Therefore the religious leaders of his time viewed Jesus as an imposter. But was he? By whose authority did he teach and preach? More
Current news headlines suggest that some of the global media giants are pursuing their own agendas! And as a result, the rule of law is being replaced by arbitrary “community standards?” Is this a problem? Presently, it is apparent that some of our rights to free speech are being eroded. In the name of eliminating “hate speech” voices deemed politically incorrect are being censored…eliminated from the public forum of debate. So what are some issues that we need to consider? More
The scriptures advise us to “be angry but don’t sin.” What does this mean? The story of Edom as retold in the prophets and writings gives us God’s answer. The Edomites were descendants of Esau, so they were the kin of the tribes of Israel who were the descendants of Esau’s brother, Jacob. They were family. So, God had given the nation of Israel specific warnings not to despise their Edomite brethren, nor covet their land – Mt. Seir. However, the Edomites on the other hand pursued the Israelites relentlessly. In their angry rivalry and hostility they invaded Israelite territory habitually, trying to claim it as their own. They were and still are implacable foes of Israel. More
So what angers God? God is the epitome of love and compassion, yet there are things that make him angry. If we are to walk with God in covenant and love him, then we need to know what makes him upset. And the scriptures clearly outline the attitudes and behaviours that anger God. Moses had a special intimate working relationship with God. But, Moses’ initial reaction to being called by God to bring Israel out of Egypt was less than eager willingness. Moses made excuses and was full of self-doubt even after God’s “pep-talk.” God was angry with Moses diffidence and uncertainty, but he was patient and willing to work with Moses and provide support. Aaron, Moses’ brother, would do the speaking for Moses. Eventually, this overcame Moses’ hesitation and reluctance to do what God had asked. Are we eager to do the tasks that God has given us to do? Or, do we anger God with our reticence or insecurity in doing a job God has designed for us? More
Journeys of personal discovery may lead us to find the truth that transforms our lives. The biblical example of the prodigal son is such a story of transformation. The young man in his ignorance and self-will demanded his inheritance, left his Father’s home, and went on a journey. Instead of the hoped for adventure and fortune, he ended up squandering everything he had inherited. But his misery final provoked a profound change in action and attitude. He had to face the terrible truth of his own folly, and then appreciate what he had lost in leaving his Father’s care. Straying from the truth had cost him dearly. More
We live in a world that is “changeable.” In fact within the past 17 years the Canadian supreme court has “flip-flopped” regarding its position on religious freedoms for private institutions. This reversal in how the Canadian Charter of Rights has been interpreted is very worrisome to those who value their religious freedom, and their role in Canadian society. But even in a changing world, there is one thing that does not change, and that is God. He has a message for all people, for he has the insight and the power to “declare the end from the beginning.” And one thing is certain. He is just and fair, and there is no “respect of persons” with God. More