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Some of our content not yet on YouTube is available on our Vimeo channel #churchofgod or below on our site in order from most recent to oldest.
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We all have a choice to make. Are we going to choose to embrace a life of meaninglessness and materialism? Or do we have a vision and purpose that transcends these things?
Have we forgotten important things that we should have remembered? God gives us some advice about remembering and not forgetting.
We are God’s artwork, created for good works! From the very beginning God had planned a path for us to walk and work for us to do. As God’s workers, drafted into his service, he is able to empower us to accomplish his purposes. He gives us the faith, the divine persuasion and loyalty, to fulfill our purpose with strength and energy. And he asks us to do his will and embrace our spiritual journey with him. He expects good works. More
There has long been contention in the Christian world concerning the relationship between faith and good works. Over 500 years ago in late October, Martin Luther, opened up this “can of worms” in the fall of 1517. He had posted his 95 Thesis on the Wittenberg church door in the hopes of stimulating intellectual debate. But 4 years later at the “Diet of Worms” he found himself fighting for his life over the questions he had raised. He had broken the church monopoly and championed the ideas of freedom of conscience, speech, and religion. This was a great boon to all those who wanted to embrace the principal of ‘sola scriptura’ and reject the authority of church councils.
Unfortunately, Luther’s tentative steps towards recapturing the ‘faith once delivered to the saints’ were limited due to Medieval misconceptions. More
Paul was given a mission by God. He was to preach to the Gentiles a message of hope. He taught that if we belonged to Christ then we were Abraham’s children and heirs of Abraham. This was a startling message! And, if we were heirs of Abraham, then, we were heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. As a result, we would inherit all the blessings God had promised faithful Abraham. It did not matter our gender, ethnicity, or cultural heritage, for we would become God’s children. But there was a condition! What was it? More
Appearances can be deceptive. Living on a “peaceful” island we may be unaware of the devastation others are experiencing due to hurricanes or flooding. Scripture speaks to us of the peace that passes understanding. This is a peace or wholeness that comes from God. We have this peace in spite of fearful, troubling circumstances. In the world we will face problems, difficulties, and disappointments. But Jesus promises us peace and contentment. This is not because we do not suffer with the world at times. Rather, in our suffering we trust in God and his promises. Whether we face the destructive forces of nature, or are embroiled in the midst of ethnic tensions or warfare, the peace that passes understanding comes from our hope in God.
But there is a new war on a variety of battlefronts than many now face. It is the battle for the mind. Foreign Policy magazine warns of the ever-evolving nature of modern warfare and the “hacking” of people’s minds. More