COG Webcast

October 24th, 2020

God’s Reality or Solipsism – You Must Choose

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God's reality or solipsismWhat is Solipsism?

Paul made people aware of the need to make a decisive choice, for we either buy into God’s reality or solipsism. In writing his last epistle to Timothy, Paul warned of the problems of solipsism, and admonished Timothy to avoid solipsistic people. Not that Paul would have understood this modern term, but rather that he understood the nature of people to be self-absorbed. Paul saw within his society the seeds of the future. He understood that the notion that the ‘self’ is the only reality often degenerates into a boastful, arrogant, self-love, that focuses on gratifying self with sensual pleasures. In modern times it was Descartes who proposed that ‘I think and therefore I am.’ This concept has transformed modernly into selfish solipsism championing the idea that ‘the self is all that exists.’ But what should the attitude of a Christian be? More

October 3rd, 2020

Feast of Tabernacles 2020

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  • Sabbath October 3, 2020


the messiah and his kingdomThe Messiah and the Kingdom

As the “latter days” prophesied in scripture draw ever closer, we need to consider the relevance of the Feast of Tabernacles. On this first day of the festival we look forward to a new age ushered in by the coming of the Messiah. But what is the nature of our Messiah? Many religions teach the concept of a Messiah, a deliverer. But few understand the nature of the Messiah who is revealed in the Judeo-Christian scriptures.

    •  October 4, 2020

    Are All Things Fulfilled?

    Many Christians believe that when Christ died and was resurrected that “all things were fulfilled” but is that true? What does the bible really teach?
    Jeff Patton examines the evidence of scripture and history to show the prophecies concerning the Messiah that are yet to be fulfilled. Prophecy fulfilled – Isaiah challenges Christians to rethink their ideas about Christ as they read, here a little, there a little, to discover what the future holds for those who trust in Christ as Saviour. More

    September 20th, 2020

    Feast of Trumpets – Day of Judgment 2020

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    Feast of Trumpets shofar 2020A Day of Judgment – A Time to Remember

    The Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah, is considered to be a day of judgment by those who have a national covenant relationship with the Lord God. At this time many in the Jewish community who celebrate the day will spend some time reflecting on the past year. Then they will make resolutions for the future.

    But most Christians have forgotten the command to observe the Feasts of the Lord. And, as a result they neither know their spiritual history, nor the significance of these annual Holy days. As the apostle James warns believers, if you are just hearers and not doers of the law, then you will forget. And having forgotten, you will no longer understand the value of God’s teachings and the joy that comes with walking in the ways of the Lord. It is dangerous to lose touch with the past. More

    September 13th, 2020

    Appointed Times – God Intervenes in History

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    Feasts of the Lord

    What  is meant by “Appointed Times?”

    God is a master of time. He is the Creator of time and seasons. And God intervenes in history and acts at just the right time. Even the demons when speaking to Jesus acknowledged that their time for judgment had not yet come. But, it would come at the appropriate time. Jesus, as he saw the fall festival approaching, urged his family to go up to keep the feast at the appointed time. But he would not go up with them just then. He was waiting until the time was right. Then he would also go up and keep the Feast of Tabernacles, one of God’s appointed times. From the beginning of creation, God had established the heavenly lights to proclaim the seasons, and herald the appointed times. Times that God established as Holy Days and festival seasons. So how do we know when these times occur? More

    September 7th, 2020

    House Rules for Humanity – Who Sets the Rules?

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    moral logic of the universeThe Golden Rule

    Do you know the “Golden Rule?” Would it come as a surprise to you that many people do not know what it is? The “Golden Rule” is something that is even taught in secular school settings. Why? Because it encourages children to treat others in the way that they would like to be treated. Most children in this generation do not know the source of this precept that is one of the house rules for humanity. But those with a Christian background would recognize the “Golden Rule” in Christ’s admonition: “Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” Is this precept important in your life? More

    September 6th, 2020

    The Problem with the Law – Human or Divine

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    Man's Law or Divine LawWhat is the Problem with the Law?

    Do we have a problem with the law? Do we have a justice system, or just a legal system? Does the “Rule of Law” matter in a time when it is applied sporadically, or ineffectively? The prophet Isaiah had something to say to a society that no longer valued justice, where lawsuits were the norm, and people trusted in lies. He paints an eloquent picture. For truth had fallen in the city square, the place of judgment. Those with integrity could not enter, and those who spoke out against evil were attacked. Perhaps, our society sadly bears a marked resemblance to that of our ancestors millennia ago. More

    August 31st, 2020

    Spiritually Sighted or Blind Leading the Blind?

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    Spiritually sighted or blindJesus Heals the Blind

    In dealing with the religious leaders of his day, Jesus queried whether they were spiritually sighted or blind. He put them to the test on the Sabbath by healing a blind man who had been blind since birth. It was truly a miracle that many witnesses rejoiced in and readily accepted as the work of God. For not only could the man see, but he could correctly interpret what he was seeing. And he, being healed, now understood the nature of the one who had healed him. For he reasoned, who but a prophet of God could give sight to the blind? But this was not the reaction of everyone. Those who thought they were spiritually superior were not rejoicing! Were they spiritually sighted or blind to the reality of God’s power at work? More