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In a time when liars figure, and figures lie, what is the relevance of the ninth commandment, ” You shall not bear false witness?” Was it just a narrow rule given to a primitive people dealing with perjury in courtroom situations? Or does this principle encoded in God’s divine directives have universal applications? The apostle John, writing at the end of the early church era, boldly asserted that sin was lawlessness — a disregard for God’s commandments.
Today we are seeing the results in nations that have abandoned God’s instructions and tolerated lies or neglected the truth. Politicians massage the facts to garner votes, financiers colour the stats to manipulate the economy, researchers skew their results to please their patrons, cubicle warriors use rumours to smear their competition, educators teach half-truths to comply with the system, and media outlets endorse fake news to promote their agenda. And as Paul warned, religious charlatans would gain prominence, both fooling others and being fooled by obscuring the truth of scripture.
The Eighth commandment, Lo T’ganav literally means, “NO you steal!” This is God’s instruction for combatting theft and deception. It is sometimes easy to ignore our complicity in this problem. We can perhaps quickly say that we are not pirates, burglars, robbers, or thieves. But then, perhaps we are not truly grasping the full implications of this command. This teaching underscores a deep systemic problem in society that has been a part of humanity for millennia. Paul characterized it as the ‘carnal’ attitude, that was opposed to God’s will and would ultimately end in death. The way of thieves was one of deception, as their intent was to gain through stealth what was not rightfully theirs. So do we follow this way or support it by our actions or attitudes? More
What does the seventh commandment in God’s law have to do with family stability? Ask many a teacher who has had a few decades of classroom experience in a public setting and they will tell you that children are often bitter, angry, resentful, or anxious? Why? For too many children divorce has upset their dreams, and undermined the stability of their home-life. So they bring their angst to school with them and act out their frustrations. This was not the case decades ago, when divorce was often avoided if only for “the sake of the children.” But with changing attitudes towards sexuality, and marriage, divorce has gone from rare to commonplace. And the fruits of this dramatic shift in societal norms are being witnessed daily in the classroom. More
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Jesus told his followers that they should not misunderstand his intentions. He did not come to abolish the law or the prophets. Rather, Jesus understood the important role of the prophet in ensuring that God’s purpose would be achieved. This is an inconvenient truth for many who are teaching and governing in harmony with the politically correct notions of our time. Like their ancient predecessors, today’s hypocritical leaders want to look good, but in reality they are pretentious evil-doers from Jesus’ perspective. Jesus castigated the ‘virtue signalling’ frauds of his day by calling them the sons of those who murdered the prophets. But why did their ancestors murder the prophets? And why were the Pharisees willing to murder Jesus, the prophet? More
The topic of a crisis of confidence is making headlines. We need to know who is worthy of trust. But, whether the subject is politicians, doctors, corporate or religious leaders, the public is exhibiting a general and increasing mistrust of the ‘experts.’ Most recently, the problem of vaccine hesitancy within the populous has prompted many officials to push forward on coercive measures. They want to ensure compliance with government mandates. The solution will be vaccine passports that create a two-tiered caste system. The vaccinated will be able to enjoy their ‘Charter of Rights’ and assemble, associate, and move at will. While those who are not vaccinated will be censored and unable to participate in society freely. Like the oppressive policies of the governments of past millennia, the tools of oppression and coercion are at the ready. They will be used against those who fail to comply with government edicts.
It may seem evident to some that the state is a system designed to control the populace, often under the pretence of the ‘greater good.’ The state therefore has little regard for the health or liberties of the individual. The state may bring benefits or hardships, but at the core it is like a heartless machine. It can have no love for you or your family. The state cannot appreciate your needs, or provide solutions to the challenges you face on a daily basis. So entrusting the state, the government, or other agencies with your life is often not in your best interest as an individual. If the state is not worthy of trust, where can you turn for the direction you need to make wise personal choices and live a meaningful life? More