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FIRST DAY OF THE FEAST — Tuesday September 21, 2021
The picture painted by Isaiah, and Micah of the millennial reign of the King of Kings, is one that should give every Christian hope for the future. Yet, within these prophecies they also include a message that has caused many Christians to stumble, and reject the plain teaching of scripture. Do you know what has been the source of confusion over the millennia since these biblical books were penned? Do you know why these things were allegorized and their plain meaning obscured? Let the Word of God reveal the answer to these all important questions. Make sure you know the answer so you can hold firm to the word of truth, and be encouraged by God’s amazing promises.
SECOND DAY OF THE FEAST — Wednesday, September 22
Whether we have the blessing of fellowshipping on God’s Holy Days in a place he has chosen or whether we are home alone, God gives us all a command. During these special times of year that God sets apart as Holy, we have been given a command to rejoice. But sometimes this is not easy! And as we celebrate we need to consider God’s admonition that “everyone” should rejoice. There is a responsibility to care for the needs not only of our family, but of our servants, the foreigners, the orphans and the widows. God’s festivals are a blessing as we rejoice in God’s goodness. But they are also a duty.
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THIRD DAY OF THE FEAST — Thursday, September 23
Bad News — Good News
In our society it is easy to create a short-list, a litany, of all the evils of our age: wealth inequality, desperate refugees, corrupt politics, environmental degradation, disease, and destructive technologies. The bible predicted all of these woes, that would follow those who say evil is good and good is evil. But more importantly, God offers a solution!
FOURTH DAY OF THE FEAST — Friday, September 24
Do Not Fret!
How can we live as pilgrims and exiles in a society that rejects godly values or the existence of the Creator? Navigating the troubled ideological and cultural waters of modernity can be stressful! But our future depends on our thoughts, attitudes, and actions. So what is God’s advice to his people through David’s psalm? “Do not fret!” So what does this mean?
FIFTH DAY OF THE FEAST — Sabbath, September 25
In the first century believers in the Messiah were already becoming willfully ignorant of God’s purpose and promises. Peter however, as an eye-witness to Christ’s ministry had a great confidence in the message of Jesus Christ and the prophets. He was assured by Isaiah’s prophecy that Christ would indeed lay a sure foundation in Zion. In Zion an administration would be established with righteousness its plummet, and justice its measuring line. Zion would be founded on the impartial, equitable application of God’s laws, by the Messiah, the King of Kings. Is Zion here yet?
SIXTH DAY OF THE FEAST — Sunday, September 26
Appearances can be deceptive. Living on a “peaceful” island we may be unaware of the devastation others are experiencing due to hurricanes or flooding. Scripture speaks to us of the peace that passes understanding. This is a peace or wholeness that comes from God. We have this peace in spite of fearful, troubling circumstances. In the world we will face problems, difficulties, and disappointments. But Jesus promises us peace and contentment. This is not because we do not suffer with the world at times. Rather, in our suffering we trust in God and his promises. Whether we face the destructive forces of nature, or are embroiled in the midst of ethnic tensions or warfare, the peace that passes understanding comes from our hope in God.
SEVENTH DAY OF THE FEAST — Monday, September 27
Fear Not, God is Faithful God has made promises by covenant that are valid for a 1,000 generations! So when he admonishes us, “Fear Not!” he is also able to prove true to his promise and protect and guide those who trust him. Do we appreciate God’s faithfulness, or consider his wonderful works for his covenant people, Abraham’s children? If you are a Christian, then consider that you are Abraham’s descendant, regardless of ethnicity, and know that God’s promises are for you, too. The history of Israel is a study in God’s faithfulness in fulfilling his promises to nations and individuals. Though they like Abraham had to wander at times, yet he protected those whose heart was to obey and fear the Lord. But what about us, now? Can we have the confidence in God that will allay our fears?
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THE EIGHTH DAY! — Tuesday, September 28
Can these bones live. The short answer is, “Yes!” but there is much more to the story. God says that, “all will be saved” but is that happening now? When will God work to save all of humanity? God’s plan of salvation for all is revealed through the Holy Days that God created as memorials and as prefigurative events envisioning what is to come in the future. The future is full of hope for those who put their trust in the God of scripture.
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When the seventh trumpet sounds it will usher in the return of Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of God. This vision of the future seems fantastical. And yet it has been prophesied for millennia. Daniel wrote of this cataclysmic change in world governance when he revealed the meaning of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The dream was an allegory of a great statue representing the great world powers in succession, beginning with the Babylonian King as the head of gold. As history has confirmed, the silver kingdom of Medo-Persia, and the bronze kingdom of Greece, were followed by successive resurrections of the great Roman system. And yet, ultimately all of these great civilizations will be destroyed, so that not a trace of them will be found. But what will replace these corrupt oppressive systems of governance? More
In poetic language and metaphor Isaiah expressed the message of the Feast of Trumpets the Day of Reckoning. It is a sobering warning to everyone for all time, but most importantly to the leaders who dictate political, social, economic, and military policy. No matter who you are or where you are, God is promising to cut down the proud and the arrogant. He will destroy the great economic system – their magnificent ship of state – along with the builders. Much later the apostle John wrote a similar vision in the book of Revelation. John revisited this theme of the Feast of Trumpets the Day of Reckoning when he scribed the message, “The great Babylon is fallen, fallen…” He recorded God’s judgment against the elite rulers of the world who had built a life of luxury on the backs of those they had enslaved. They would fall in a day and be brought to ruin in a single hour. And the merchants of the world who had profited from this tyrannical but profitable system would mourn its destruction. But why would God judge them so harshly? More
In a world where the epithet of ‘white privilege’ is voiced in a spirit of ignorance or resentment, it might be wise to consider the issue of spiritual privilege. Understanding our spiritual privilege as Christians, and children of God, is a key to our spiritual future. This privilege comes as the result of a covenant made millennia ago with the father of the faith, Abraham. God’s covenant meant that God acknowledged Abraham as his own kin. What a privilege to be part of God’s family. And with this covenant came promises of great blessings. But the covenant also included obligations. God expected Abraham to ‘Keep the way of the Lord.’ He was obliged to communicate God’s family values of what was right and wrong to his children. In fact, God had chosen Abraham because he knew his character, that he would teach his children God’s standards of right living. So are you among the privileged? More
The tenth commandment — avoiding covetousness — is perhaps the most challenging of God’s divine directives. God is very concerned about what we think, as thought often leads to action. Covetous thoughts, those keen, overwhelming, selfish desires must be overcome. The scripture contrasts the passionate fleshly lusts and urges against the passionate godly desires. But how can we know whether our passions are good or bad? It is only through a thorough understanding of God’s law that we can understand is will. Those caught up in covetousness are those guilty of ‘anomia,’ lawlessness. More
Is America being subverted by a fake Christianity – a Christianity without Christ and his teaching? A recent Barna study concluded that being Christian in America in 2021 has very little connection to the message of scripture. Modern Christians are not ‘sola scriptura’ Christians as were the Celtic Christians of the 400’s AD or the European Reformers of the 1500’s. In fact you might think that these Christians consider Eve’s choice of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, as the wiser choice…if they even know the biblical story. We might wonder if the decline in America is a consequence of an erosion of basic values and the watered-down Christianity that is the most popular religious worldview. More