Looking for Good Leadership
Looking for good leadership is difficult when the political landscape of many nations looks like a battlefield. In the current battle for the US presidency many are asking, “Who should we blame for this disaster?” Cynicism abounds in a political culture of warring groups, indifference, relativism, and moral indecision. God’s wisdom concerning human leadership requires that we take a different view, one beyond the politics of the moment, to look at those qualities that will make or break leaders and the nations that they lead. The scriptures give us a broad screen view of how to discern between the self-serving rulers and the competent leaders.
Wisdom’s Counsel
God proclaims his wisdom, personifying wisdom a wise elderly woman, who has “seen it all” and can give the godly perspective from years of experience. The question is whether we will listen to Wisdom’s advice and heed the voice of truth, or will we suffer the consequences of choosing leaders who reject Wisdom’s counsel. Our choices will make a difference. The world may refuse to listen and “dance to God’s tune” like foolish children who are inattentive and rebellious. But those who love God should be fully aware of His standards for good leadership.
The Ultimate Leader
Looking for good leadership, we should consider the life of Jesus, and the character traits he exemplified. He had authority from the Father, and the power to exercise that authority, yet many in his time were blind to his leadership because he did not fit their pre-conceived ideas of who could lead. Jesus was not a part of the official system, nor was he given his authority through their “official channels,” so they did not recognize him as a true leader. Yet He had all of the qualities that God looks for in a leader, the foremost being “agape” a true love of the things that God loves.
If you are looking for good leadership, let the scriptures be your guide.