Guard the Doors of Our Minds
The Defenceless City
The news of 2017 began with a week of lurid and horrific reports of inhumane, calloused, and brutal behaviours. Many biblical writers, from Moses to John, warn believers of the challenges of times not unlike our own. Their description of life in this “cosmos” – is one of a constant struggle between good and evil. And they advise us to be vigilant in guarding the door to our mind — exercising self-control in all situations. Without this quality of self-control people become like cities without walls. They are defenceless in the face of marauders, and vicious enemies. They fall prey and act on wicked thoughts that go uncontested. But we do not have to live this way!
Sin Crouches at the Door
Often the perpetrators of random acts of violence, do not even fully understand their own actions. They are not unlike Cain, who failed to reflect on his negative thoughts and feelings and acted out his murderous intents by killing his brother. Cain, though warned by God to curb his bitterness and hostility, refused to exercise self-mastery. He did not guard the door of his mind! Rather the sin that crouched at the door was able to entice and overpower him. We need to take warning to be self-aware and self-reflective so we are not overcome as was Cain.
Practicing Pure Religion
How can we live our lives free from the evil influences of the world around us? How can we avoid being caught-up in violence, pornography, gossip, and many of the other commonplace snares that crouch on our doorstep, waiting to trip us up? Many of the apostles, advise us of the dangers, but also offer solutions. Living in a licentious age, not unlike our own where 50% of Christian men admit they have a problem of being addicted to pornography, these writers provided sound advice for all of us. With God we can have the peace that passes human understanding if we bring every thought into captivity and guard the doors of our minds. Let’s understand the “bottom line.” Let’s think on the things that bring God’s delight. Do you know what they are?