COG Webcast

July 13th, 2015

God of Mercy: Remember All His Benefits

Videos, by CGP.


Remember His benefits
God of Mercy: Remember All His Benefits

While Canada and the US celebrate their national holidays, it would seem many have forgotten the source of their blessings. They are the “nones,” atheists, agnostics, and those with “no particular religion” who see no role for a God of mercy in their lives. On the other hand, David, the psalmist, reminds us  to, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not his benefits.” So what are those benefits, and how does God extend his mercy to all those who worship and serve Him?

View more videos and articles to learn about God and his teachings from the ‘sola scriptura’ perspective.
It is God’s spirit that leads us into all truth as we read his word.


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