Sabbath October 3, 2020
As the “latter days” prophesied in scripture draw ever closer, we need to consider the relevance of the Feast of Tabernacles. On this first day of the festival we look forward to a new age ushered in by the coming of the Messiah. But what is the nature of our Messiah? Many religions teach the concept of a Messiah, a deliverer. But few understand the nature of the Messiah who is revealed in the Judeo-Christian scriptures.
October 4, 2020
Are All Things Fulfilled?
Many Christians believe that when Christ died and was resurrected that “all things were fulfilled” but is that true? What does the bible really teach?
Jeff Patton examines the evidence of scripture and history to show the prophecies concerning the Messiah that are yet to be fulfilled. Prophecy fulfilled – Isaiah challenges Christians to rethink their ideas about Christ as they read, here a little, there a little, to discover what the future holds for those who trust in Christ as Saviour.
- The sound cuts out for a minute about 6:44-8:05 then resumes.
October 5, 2020
The Messianic Age
Walking in God’s Ways
When we study the future, as pictured by the Feast of Tabernacles, we come to understand more about God’s ways. The prophets, Isaiah and Micah, both were inspired to write about the coming of the Messianic age. Their messages were very similar, and they both focused on the importance of the law in establishing the millennial reign of the Messiah. So what are those ways of God that he will be teaching all nations?
October 6, 2020
Do Not Stumble
People, who believe God, are the potential inheritors of amazing promises of a world renewed, immortality, and a vibrant life in the family of God. But are there things that might make us stumble along the path to eternal life? Are there hurdles or roadblocks that might waylay us or trip us up so we do not inherit these promises? The scriptures warn us of “systemized error” that could keep us from attaining our goal. What are these stumbling stones and how do we avoid them, so we do not stumble?<!–more–
October 7, 2020
Prophecy of the Future: Truth and Error
The bible portrays a vision of the future that some Christians are unaware of, and others reject due to their preconceptions. But what does the scripture say about the millennial world, the world after the return of Jesus Christ. And why does it matter??
The Feast of Tabernacles, the fall festival of scripture, looks forward to a time of unprecedented peace and prosperity ushered in after climactic events at the end of the present age. And yet, many Christians have been deceived into thinking many of the prophecies relating to this future time are mere allegory…
October 8, 2020
Who Shall Dwell with God
The Feast of Tabernacles is symbolic of dwelling, tabernacling, with God our Father. What does God require of those who will live with him for eternity?
October 9, 2020
History of His Mercy
The scriptures contain God’s plan for humanity and a history of God’s mercy – his loving kindness – through all generations. We can be encouraged in our time by knowing what God has done for his people throughout the ages. These stories were written for our benefit to give us hope and assurance of God’s heart and mind concerning those who seek to follow him.
October 10, 2020
Hope for humanity, Christ will return; the Kingdom of God will be setup on Earth, and then we will come to the Last Great Day, that Great White Throne Judgement. What is God’s purpose? How do we actively prepare? Jeff recounts his personal story of interrogation, trial, and travels through the Iron Curtain in the land of darkness which was then communist Hungary and Romania. Then he links this to our role now that will impact the future of those who will be resurrected to life when the Last Great Day finds its fulfillment.