Is Brexit Part of Prophecy?
Everything looks the same in the dark, but with the light of scripture we can gain understanding and discernment so that world events are not just grey and murky…like everything that is seen in the shadow of darkness. To have spiritual light we need to look into God’s word and avoid the temptations and challenges that are in the world. Living by every word of God was a test on the people in Moses’ day, and on Jesus when challenged by Satan after 40 days of fasting. Like our Lord and Saviour, we need to be diligent in obeying God’s instructions, refusing Satan’s temptations, so that we may enjoy the blessings that come from the Father of light. We, the people of God, are called to forsake spiritual delusion and “come out of” the political/economic system that makes merchandise of people. So what are the spiritual lessons and the prophetic messages that can be garnered from the Brexit experience? What does scripture say? Is Brexit part of prophecy?