Alexei de Tocqueville in writing about the greatness and genius of America pointed to the vital importance of the moral teachings upon which the nation was built. He was the first to pen this oft’ quoted sentiment:
‘to understand the secret of her genius and power, America is great because she is
good and if America ever ceases to be good she will cease to be great.’
Tocqueville noted that Liberty cannot be established without morality nor morality without faith.
These basic concepts were built on the understanding that the Word of God was a beacon of light and this light – the light of the Judeo Christian scriptures and their moral message needed to shine in the darkness. Many pilgrims thought of themselves as architects building a new society and as builders creating the ‘city on the hill’ as a beacon of liberty and righteousness for all.
What are the attributes of the biblical ‘city on the hill’ and how do they help us understand our Judeo Christian heritage and our future
February 2nd, 2019
Judeo Christian – The Vision of the City on the Hill
Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.