Church of God Webcast promoting Judeo-Christianity through weekly Sabbath Webcasts, Videos, a Blog, Articles and personal correspondance to answer your life's questions
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God is offering you eternal life, but we must “continually believe.” It is much more than a mere verbal confession that we “believe in Christ.” If we really have belief, faith, God’s divine persuasion, it requires action. So what is the will of God for your life, what does He prefer, and how do we walk with Him? Let the scriptures make God’s will clear to you, so you can live in God’s light, practice truth, and do the works God expects of those who love Him .
Our gratitude to God, whether formal worship as the congregation of God, or living with a thankful heart for all of God’s blessings, is important to God. Are we among the meek, who express their appreciation to God, and who will inherit the promises? Do we have this dynamic relationship with God that will lead to eternal life? Are we living in a spirit of thanksgiving, listening to what we have heard from God, and submitting to God in obedience.
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What is the will of God? The apostles, Peter, Paul, and James, all wrote of the importance of knowing and acting in harmony with the will of God that we might inherit the awesome promises God offers. They also warned of the spiritual danger of adherence to cultural norms that are contrary to God’s will. A close examination of David and Christ give a greater grasp of God’s will in regards to the Sabbath commandment. As religious groups adopt non-scriptural practices like gay marriage, it is important to be grounded in the biblical standards of living and have a solid understanding of God’s will for us.
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We are almost 2000 years from that eventful Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the disciples of Christ. In celebrating Pentecost today, we call to remembrance all the lessons of this Holy Day. Are our hearts open to God’s work in our lives so we are not worshiping in vain? Do we accept the divine authority of scripture, avoiding lawlessness and living obedient lives through the power of God’s Spirit.
View more videos and articles to learn about God and his teachings from the ‘sola scriptura’ perspective.
It is God’s spirit that leads us into all truth as we read his word.
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“So all Israel shall be saved!” This is a promise from God. If today is only one day of salvation and all Israel has not yet been saved, is there another day of salvation? The apostle Paul wrote about the resurrection of all, but each one in their own order. The scriptures reveal that there will be a future resurrection to judgment, when God will judge the nations. So what does this resurrection portend for those who have not yet had a chance to walk with God?
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Abraham pleads for God’s righteous judgment
Abraham pleaded with God for the lives of the righteous in Sodom. Are we as confident as Abraham was in God’s righteous judgment? And, are those of Sodom and Gomorrah who died, lost? Jesus in preaching the gospel, seemed to indicate that there was more hope for Sodom in the future than for the hypocrites of his day. Is this the only day of judgment and salvation? And, how does the truth of the resurrection mesh with the biblical concept of judgment? Let the scriptures make the answers clear.
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The apostle Paul explained the centrality of the resurrection to the good news, the gospel of the Kingdom of God. He then posed the question to the Corinthians, “How are the dead raised?” Do you know Paul’s answer?
Jeff Patton explains the analogies that Paul used in making plain the spiritual reality of the nature of the resurrection to eternal life. Are we following Christ and believing the truth of the gospel, so that we might have immortality, life without end?