Church of God Webcast promoting Judeo-Christianity through weekly Sabbath Webcasts, Videos, a Blog, Articles and personal correspondance to answer your life's questions
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God gives a powerful message of hope and encouragement to the remnant of his people who are doing His work in a hostile environment. Jeff Patton examines those “days of small beginnings” during the time of Zerubbabel to motivate and instruct us in rebuilding the household of God in our time.
Comments Off on Earthquake, tsunami, nuclear meltdown—what’s next?, Blog, Jeff Patton, by CGP.
Massive earthquake, monster tsunami, nuclear disaster! I was listening on the CBC Radio One to an interview with the Japanese ambassador to Canada. He said his country could be likened to a supermarket for disasters.
The posted online videos of these Japanese disasters are astounding. One such video taken by someone who had fled for safety to the high ground behind his village, captured the event and its emotion… Read More on or Follow on Twitter @COGWebcast
This was an open letter that I wrote to after finding one of their articles very helpful. In a response to someone, I came across a not-so-great article on the Sabbath and Sunday, that I thought needed to be countered. Actually their conclusion was rather backwards from what the Bible says. Here is the letter I wrote to them:
Comments Off on How Do We Restore Honour?, Blog, Jeff Patton, by CGP.
Does honour have a role in our society anymore? Or, is it just a relic of the past that had, perhaps, its last great hurrah at Appomattox with Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant along with all those Red Badge of Courage soldiers of the American Civil War?
For many in our modern society the whole concept of honour seems to be antiquated, quaint, or maybe even dangerous…
The church is a divided church not unlike that of the apostle Paul’s day. As it was then, so today, people are giving their allegiance to a variety of men and organizations. God, however, has a mandate that he has given Christians, to heal the divisions and restore the paths of righteousness. Jeff Patton talks about General Robert E. Lee’s contribution to peace after the civil war and the biblical mandate to restore the walls of honour. We are called to be in Christ’s service restoring the walls of the church.
April 17, 2011 8:00pm (pst)
New Testament Passover
for baptized believers
a renewal of your covenant with God our Father
Call 250-716-1141 for more information for the Spring Holy Days and where to attend
April 18, 2011 7:30pm (pst)
Night to be much observed
Join us for the Night to be much remembered. Begin the Holy Day with a dinner commemorating Israel’s Passover and flight from slavery. Reflect with us on our deliverance from the slavery of sin
April 19, 2011 11:30am (pst)
Holy Day Service
FIrst Day of Unleavened bread (Passover)
Join us online or in person, call 250-716-1141 for directions
April 23, 2011 11:30am (pst)
Weekly Sabbath Service
There is a small, but vocal, group of educational professionals who are deeply worried about the intellectual abilities of young people in secondary and post-secondary education these days. Mark Bauerlein, a professor of English at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, said in his recently published book The Dumbest Generation: