COG Webcast

Holy Days

Zachi Evenor

Zachi Evenor

God’s Holy Days:

What are they all about?  What do they represent now?

God’s Holy Days: an in-depth view of God’s annual festivals

A Detailed Explanation of the Amazing Hebrew Calendar

Hebrew calendarWhich calendar is supported by the authority of scripture?

Holy Day Calendar: to view the dates to keep these festivals.

Events Page: for upcoming Holy Day details and historical information.

Passover: When should we celebrate the New Covenant Passover?

Passover and Unleavened Bread Controversy: When and how should we celebrate?

Hebrew Scriptures: God’s promises and covenant with Abraham.
God spared the firstborn of Israel and judged the gods of Egypt.
Greek Scriptures: God’s love revealed.
Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God the Father, died that our sins could be forgiven when we repent and are reconciled to God the Father
Remission of sins through Christ’s blood – His death for ours.
The New Covenant ratified through Jesus’ body and blood – eternal life.
 When should we celebrate the New Covenant Passover?
The Feast of Unleavened Bread
Hebrew Scriptures: God ratified His covenant with Abraham.
God led the children of Israel out of Egypt and into the Promised Land.
Greek Scriptures: Christians are unleavened in Christ, overcoming sin by the power of the Holy Spirit and walking in newness of life keeping the commandments of God.
Christians are the spiritual seed of Abraham, and inheritors of the promises.
Hebrew Scriptures: Israel received the Law at Mt. Sinai.
The firstfruits harvest of the barley and wheat.
Greek Scriptures: The church received the Holy Spirit.
Christians are the firstfruits unto God 
The Feast of Trumpets
Hebrew Scriptures: Memorial of blowing of Trumpets’ God putting His presence in the temple.
Israel will be delivered from their enemies
 Greek Scriptures:The saints meet Christ in the air, and the dead in Christ are resurrected
 Christ’s return to the earth as King of King, and Lord of Lords
Feast of Atonement
Hebrew Scriptures: With special animal sacrifices the High Priest atoned for the sins of Israel.
Greek Scriptures: Azazel goat is symbolic of the time when Satan will be removed and bound
The slain goat is symbolic of Christ’s sacrifice for all of humanity
 National forgiveness and unity with Christ and the Father
Feast of Tabernacles
Hebrew Scriptures: Memorial of Israel’s  in the wilderness. Israel’s rest in Solomon’s time.
Greek Scriptures: Jesus Christ – God in the flesh – tabernacling with mankind.
Christ by God’s Spirit dwelling in the saints.
One-thousand year reign of Christ and the saints as spiritual beings.
Last Great Day
Hebrew Scriptures: The bounty of God’s blessings to Israel.
Greek Scriptures: Second resurrection:
Phase One – opportunity for Salvation
Phase Two – final judgment of wicked cast into lake of fire.
New heaven and new earth – New Jerusalem comes to earth.
God’s plan for the rest of eternity begins.