While traveling to the Feast of Tabernacles, it was amazing to see all of God’s handiwork as we passed the…

October 1st, 2011
Jean Jantzen
Comments Off on Jean Jantzen, Jean Jantzen, by CGP.
Jean Jantzen has been a follower of Christ and a member of the Church of God since 1970. Jean and…
September 12th, 2011
Clean or Unclean
Comments Off on Clean or Unclean, Articles, Jean Jantzen, by CGP.
CLEAN AND UNCLEAN By Jean Jantzen “For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I…
July 27th, 2011
In the steps of Barnabas and Paul- Christians and Culture
Comments Off on In the steps of Barnabas and Paul- Christians and Culture, Articles, Jeff Patton, by CGP.
Cyprus Journal-Part 2 Monday—January 17, 2005 What a great day we had today. Last night we had a reasonable sleep,…
July 21st, 2011
Why Circumcision?
Comments Off on Why Circumcision?, Blog, Jean Jantzen, Jeff Patton, by CGP.
By Jean Jantzen and Jeff Patton Circumcise a boy baby in San Francisco and you could face a year in…
July 18th, 2011
In the Steps of Barnabas and Paul
Comments Off on In the Steps of Barnabas and Paul, Jeff Patton, by CGP.
Cyprus Journal –Preaching the Good News Did you know that Joseph, later nicknamed Barnabas, was a levite born and raised…
July 12th, 2011
Suffering Coming Soon…
Comments Off on Suffering Coming Soon…, Blog, Healthy Living, Jeff Patton, by CGP.
The “clap” is now resistant to all of this world’s most powerful antibiotics. Anyone who knows something about the microbial…
July 11th, 2011
God Loves You: What Really Matters
Comments Off on God Loves You: What Really Matters, Articles, Rebecca Stewart, by CGP.
Feast Blog 2009 As we look forward to the Feast of Tabernacles let’s remember the lessons of previous festival seasons,…
July 10th, 2011
Alone at the Feast: What Really Matters
1 Comment, Articles, Carolanne Patton, by CGP.
Feast Blog 2009 As we look forward to the Feast of Tabernacles let’s remember the lessons of previous festival seasons,…
July 8th, 2011
Adventures to Share: What Really Matters
Comments Off on Adventures to Share: What Really Matters, Articles, Carolanne Patton, by CGP.
Feast Blog 2009 As we look forward to the Feast of Tabernacles let’s remember the lessons of previous festival seasons,…