Two millennia ago, Jesus Christ had a message for the people of Judea that resonates in our world. He spoke of the tragedies of his time when the Galileans were murdered by Pilate and the Tower of Siloam fell and many were killed. He also reflected on the nature of Jerusalem and its people in his day and what the future had in store for the people of Israel in Judea.
This message harkened back to the Song of Moses written before Israel entered their promised land. It was a song recounting Israel’s wilderness experience and prophesying about the future of the people and the land. Many of its verses seem to have a partial fulfillment in our time – a time when the people of Judah have surprisingly returned to their inheritance and been re-established in the land centuries after the destruction of their temple state.
Listen to the prophecies of Isaiah and Zechariah to gain insight into what was foretold by God. They reveal a picture of God’s justice, his mercy and his purpose for Israel that will be fulfilled in the future. God is faithful and he will deal justly with the evil-doers and those who turn to him for mercy. Consider the message of the prophets to us and be encouraged in spite of the times of trouble that we may be enduring at the present.