Feast of Tabernacles 2023

Join us daily for a message to encourage you during the Feast of Tabernacles:
FIRST DAY OF THE FEAST – September 30, 2023
Lessons in Leadership
The Feast of Tabernacles gives us hope and a mission to help us prepare for our future as those who will reign with Christ. Take a journey through the scriptures and explore the reality of the prophecies of the day of Christ’s return as King of Kings. Be aware of what will happen ‘In that day’ the day when dramatic political and social changes will occur just as the prophets predicted. Then consider the message that the Father has for his children, his saints, and the role that we as the followers of Christ should be preparing to fulfill in the establishment of God’s world order.
SECOND DAY OF THE FEAST – October 1, 2023
Kingdom of God — What’s a Saint to Do?
The picture is very fuzzy in the minds of many believers when it comes to who are qualified to be saints and what will their responsibilities be in the future. Come along on this exploration of the promises of Jesus Christ to his disciples. Consider the evidence of the writings of Paul, Luke, and John relating to the time of the restoration of all things. And, read the witness of the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah and Micah who outline the events that will transpire at the return of the Messiah.
THIRD DAY OF THE FEAST – October 2, 2023
Amos prophesied that God would “sift the people through the nations” and not a kernel of the faithful remnant of the people would be lost. The Lord God came to earth as Jesus the Messiah to fulfill the messages given by the prophets to Israel. Amos prophesied that there would come a time of building and renewal of the nation of Israel. Jesus and the apostles repeated these promises. Do we believe this message of hope for the future concerning the millennial rule of Christ?
FOURTH DAY OF THE FEAST – October 3, 2023
Restoring the Paths Repairing the Breaches
The prophet Isaiah wrote to encourage the people of God with a message of hope in restoring the paths and rebuilding the ruins. This was all predicated on the people returning to God and re-establishing justice based on the truth of scripture. History offers us the examples of those who put the pursuit of the truth and doing what was right, ahead of personal ambition or ideology. General Robert E. Lee was such a person, one who was willing to suffer, if need be, to do what was right and honourable. He was willing to act without pride, and to do what was best for his people in suing for peace, instead of pursuing a protracted guerrilla war. What about us? Are we restoring the path and repairing the breaches?
FIFTH DAY OF THE FEAST – October 4, 2023
Throughout history, the people of God have faced times when the ‘household of God’ has collapsed, and the people have been scattered. So it is no surprise that the scriptures offer advice about how we are to live in such times of uncertainty. In each generation there is a call to return to the active faith that will allow the re-establishment of God’s way of life in the community of believers. The story of Zerubbabel and the return from Babylonian exile offers us many lessons. And we learn from the prophets that just as God gave the ancient Israelites a hope and a future, so God gives his people now an even greater hope and responsibility.
SIXTH DAY OF THE FEAST – October 5, 2023
The biblical story of Zerubbabel, Jeshua, and their brothers has many important lessons for those who see the need to restore the paths of God today. They faced many obstacles in rebuilding the temple and in fulfilling God’s purpose. The project languished due to hostile political leaders, the economic pressure to return to business as usual and the discouragement of weary labourers. Many elders also bemoaned the fact that this new temple was a mere shadow compared to its magnificent predecessor. Some wondered if the temple would ever be restored. So what about us? Are we feeling oppressed, overwhelmed, or discouraged? What can we learn from scripture to bolster our resolve to fulfill God’s mission in our time?
SEVENTH DAY OF THE FEAST – October 6, 2023
Restoring the Wall — Ezra and Nehemiah
Ezra the scribe had returned to Jerusalem with a valuable cargo of precious vessels to restore the temple worship. But he was greatly dismayed by the moral and spiritual state of the people. It would seem that they had fallen back into many of the harmful practices that had led to their captivity in the first place. Eventually, as a result of dealing with dangers without, and betrayal within the community, Ezra knew he would need help. He understood the importance of rebuilding the walls, both literally and metaphorically. They were needed to protect a pure relationship with God and defend against corrupting outside influences. Are we wall-builders in our time?
EIGHTH DAY OF THE FEAST – October 7, 2023
Can these bones live? The short answer is, “Yes!” but there is much more to the story. God says that, “all will be saved” but is that happening now? When will God work to save all of humanity? God’s plan of salvation for all is revealed through the Holy Days that God created as memorials and as prefigurative events envisioning what is to come in the future. The future is full of hope for those who put their trust in the God of scripture.
God has a plan for humanity that he reveals through a series of Holy Days during the yearly cycle. These days remind us of historic events, give us a glimpse into the future, and help us to know the mind of God — his plans and purposes. Throughout scripture there is a singular message that our hope is in embracing God’s path and developing his nature so we might eventually dwell with him for eternity. Let the scriptures open your mind and heart to the message that God has for you at this time of year — a message of hope to encourage you in your daily walk with your Creator.