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Some of our content not yet on YouTube is available on our Vimeo channel #churchofgod or below on our site in order from most recent to oldest.
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God Does the Improbable
Most people live their daily lives with no consideration for what God has done or continues to do. So it would surprise them to know how God works — how God does the improbable. But, those who have faith, who trust in God, believe that God will give them victory over death. Is there anything more ‘improbable’ than that? Our spiritual ancestors understood God’s power to reward those who seek him. So, they didn’t just believe he exists. They believed in his power to intervene and do the improbable in their lives. Do you?
Queen Esther — Coincidence or Divine Intervention
Israeli PM Netanyahu gave President Obama a copy of the book of Esther. What was the significance of this gesture? Jeff Patton delves into the history of Queen Esther and Haman the main characters in the book and the spiritual messages we can garner from this scriptural text.
The scriptures, the source of the biblical worldview, claim to be “God-breathed.” They offer God’s revelation of the reality of the world and our role in His plan. In teaching believers “how to live right” the scriptures challenge us to fulfill two overarching commands. “Live by every word of God” and “Bring every thought into captivity.” This must be done in order to do our part in fulfilling Christ’s will and accomplishing His purpose. But, this cannot be done, except that we have faith as a sure foundation — and this faith is strengthened as we read the stories of our ancestors in the faith.
Moses in writing to the Israelites before entering their promised land, gave them an admonition, “Remember Amalek.” This brings to mind the question of who was Amalek? Why were they to be remembered? And how does this relate to the story of Esther? To understand Amalek we must go to the book of beginnings, for Amalek was a descendant of Esau. It was the relationship between Jacob and Esau revealed in Genesis that gives us the clues to understand God’s command.
Jesus when prophesying about the end of the age — the end of civilization as we know it — warned those who would live then to be aware so they would not be caught up in the delusions of their time.
It would be a time of great deception of people deceiving and being deceived. So what advice did Jesus and his disciples offer for those living in such times? It is a matter of knowing the truth, the moral and ethical imperatives implicit in the biblical narrative — the Judeo Christian worldview. We must then ask ourselves do we understand this message from God revealed in his word and are we living in harmony with it with a clear conscience? This will make all the difference in navigating successfully in our present time of confusing and shifting moral values.
Understanding the history of the people of God through the ages gives us perspective and helps us to discern the signs of the times. God wants us to remember the lessons of history and consider the lives of those individuals who remained faithful to God in perilous times.
History and prophecy inform us of God’s plan and give us vision so we can make those daily choices that will produce good fruit in our lives. Let us consider the history behind the Feast of Dedication that was celebrated by God’s people during the time of Jesus Christ’s ministry.
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It is a common belief in our era that the traditions we have inherited, and the days we celebrate have their roots in the biblical account. As a result, with the increasing commercialization there are those who are always fighting to “put Christ back into Christmas.” But was he ever there in the first place? Let’s look at the record of scripture and history to understand the traditional Christian holidays. Then we can know what God wants us to do to worship Him in spirit and truth.
Learn more about these seasonal celebrations from a sola scriptura perspective.
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The question of ‘Who shall dwell with God?’ is a central message of scriptures and an important theme of the Feast of Tabernacles. Discover the answer to this question through a journey from Psalms to Revelation. God gives us insight into the qualities of his children, those who will live with him. Are we preparing ourselves to dwell with God for eternity in his Kingdom?
The scriptures, though written millennia ago, offer us solid advice on how to face life’s challenges. Consider the wisdom that Paul offered Titus on the roles of men and women in marriage — advice that has stood the test of time. Or delve into Luke’s story of Jesus and what it means to be ‘submissive’ in our relationships.
Our world has largely forsaken the sound counsel that Paul gave to the Ephesians about husbands and wives willingly assuming and fulfilling their God-ordained roles in the family in accordance with God’s plan. But we can take up this challenge! More
When faced with bad news, disastrous events or condition, our fear of the uncertainties of our situation whether personal or societal, can create in us a stress response of anxiety, frustration, anger, or despair.
We may not be able to escape these situations that cause us ‘distress.’ But we have the free will to help us reframe how we view these stressors and focus on godly priorities.
Of course even medical science knows that unmitigated stress can produce hormonal changes that cause mental conditions like depression or physical conditions like high blood pressure. So to live the abundant life God intends for us, we must deal effectively with the stress in our life. More