Flashing Signs of Danger! Anyone traveling on the roads needs to be constantly alert to signs of danger. For the…
Flashing Signs of Danger! Anyone traveling on the roads needs to be constantly alert to signs of danger. For the…
The World Tomorrow Blog with Jeff Patton You can see all of the blog posts at theworldtomorrow.ca Healthy Living Origin…
Jean Jantzen – Writer and contributor Jean Jantzen has been a follower of Christ and a member of the Church…
Back in early February 2015, the Canadian Supreme Court decriminalized physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. The court insisted that to do…
The Greatest Issue of Our Time? Inequality Slavery? Is the world’s growing inequality the new de facto slavery of our time? Target, the…
The Foolish Mistake of the West: Peaceful Islam? In the aftermath of the recent Islamic jihadis attacks in France, many…
Where Have All the Good Leaders Gone? “Of all the predictions to be made about 2015, none seems safer than…
The West’s Legacy in Afghanistan: a Corrupt Narco State As 2014 and the Afghanistan War ends, the longest overseas military intervention…
Celebrating the New Covenant Passover? Based on the Hebrew scriptures, the gospels, and historical record we are confident in stating that during…
God gives his prophetic message to his friends, to those who walk in covenant with Him, like Abraham who did…